Goose really doesn't like it when other dogs bark. He also doesn't like dogs that are far away. We had our first agility class tonight and it was really fun but Goose was pretty freaked out when we first got there. The first thing we saw was a big black, long haired, Tevuran or Shepherd of some sort and he was freaked. He was barking at it and very unsure. A few minutes later he got to meet the dog and was completely fine once he met him up close. I guess he just looked scary from a distance. When we were in the building waiting for the class to start, there were a couple people and dogs working on equipment and Goose was again freaked out. He was bark, bark, barking until another adorable little red and white BC pup came in and distracted him. Then every time a dog would bark during class, he would either start barking too or usually run behind my chair to hide. He always recovers quickly though. When Goose meets older dogs he is very respectful and submissive, when he meets puppies around his age however, not so much. He gets the tough guy persona back pretty quick, I guess that is normal though.

So the class mainly focused on nose targeting, which Goose knows pretty well. He has a good nose to hand target but we haven't worked on nose targeting much of anything else, so it was good to start. We did nose targeting to lids and bells. We also did free shaping with kids toys. Goose easily got onto a skateboard, and got up and pushed a shopping cart. He's ready for the grocery store. Everything that I brought over for him to free shape with, he tried to do his pedestal pivoting on. Really, really, adorable, but he needs to learn he can offer other things too. Maybe we will put that on hold for a bit. We also did restrained recalls which Goose loves and is great at. He was totally ready to tug at the drop of a hat all class. I really need to remember water though. Poor dog. He was very tired and thirsty after class. Lots and lots of mental stimulation. Oh and Goose did growl at the cute R/W BC when they accidentally tried to get on the same skateboard, pretty sure they may have both been going for the same treat or smell. Sighhhhhhhh.
I decided to enroll Billy in a Contacts and Weaves class at the same club. I think it will be a lot of fun. Hopefully billy won't be too far behind the rest of the dogs! I'm really glad to be taking a class with Billy. It will be nice to spend time with Billy since I have been paying so much attention to the naughty puppy lately. HE'S THE BEST DOG EVER!!
These pics are from the other night, walked in the room to see them like this. Puppy see puppy do! Or not because he can't see Billy from his crate. CUTE GUYS!

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