Goose bears a striking resemblance to my old rabbit Snoopy.

Goose learned to back up today! He is sooo cute when he does it! He is getting so smart and learning so fast. I had tried to teach back up a few weeks ago, but today he was totally ready to learn it and he got it so fast! We are also working on offering other behaviors while freeshaping besides two paws up. Plus learning a nose touch for agility contacts. He is a lot more inclinded to use his paws on random objects then his nose or mouth so this will be good for him.
He is getting better at bringing things back to me outside. The frisbee specifically, but today he sort of went back a step. I think he will be really good at it soon though. He is getting more into frisbee, which is really fun! I've been doing a lot of rollers and he really drives hard after them, he also can sort of catch it/take it out of my hand. I think he will be a good frisbee dog! His favorite game by far though is tug and chase me.

I started giving him boxes to play with. I forgot that puppies love them and I'd been meaning to give him one. He has a BLAST with them. He parades around knocking into things, then rips them up.

So today I took Billy to this dog park that I LOVE so much. It's not a normal, annoying, closed in, dog fight, dog park. I think it might just be a park that allows dogs off leash. Its only like 20 percent fenced in and has a HUGE stream and a lot of woods to explore. I don't think that many people know about it which makes it even better because there are usually not many dogs there. So Billy and I met up with my friend and her dog Layla, who is Billy's best friend in the whole world. I always bring food to the park to work on Billy's recall, but I realized that I OVERWORK it. Anytime Billy wanders or strays at all I call him because I'm nervous he will run off, but I realized if I just let him do his thing he will always come back and then when I DO call its a lot more exciting and he recalls much better. The adventure of the day today was the little red cuz toy that we found floating in the stream. Billy actually fetched it out of the water with out it having been thrown. It was partially bleached by the sun so we figured it had been there for a while and we could take it. Billy became OBSESSED with it. I love it when Billy gets hooked on random toys or food or anything really because it makes him hang around me a lot more. We were scoping out paths we had never explored before and all Billy wanted me to do was throw the toy into the water for him to fetch. He was having so much fun! I decided I was going to take it and bring it to our first agility class tomorrow to use as a reward... that was until Billy destroyed it. We came out from the woods and Layla had a blast playing tug with a cute cute Dalmatian, while Billy lied down and hoarded the red toy. However, this was after Billy ditched me and the toy to sprint after a new dog that was in the park. He came back to his beloved soon enough though. (The toy that is)
So while Billy was ruthlessly chewing on and de-squeaking and destroying the amazing toy, Layla was playing with with the Dal and then found an adorable Akita/Rottie mix puppy to play with. It was all fun and games until she started biting on the puppy's neck skin. They were totally playing and it was totally fine...the puppy didn't vocalize or anything, but her owner was freaking out about it. She was frantically trying to get her puppy away from Layla the vicious Pit Bull. That's the most annoying thing about dog parks. People either let their dog attack another dog and laugh thinking they are playing or freak out when two puppies play a little bit rough. Oh well, this park is too good to let that bother me. I know Billy can hold his own if it comes down to it and won't do anything worse then bark loudly in a dogs face. There are hardly any dogs there anyway.
So while Billy was ruthlessly chewing on and de-squeaking and destroying the amazing toy, Layla was playing with with the Dal and then found an adorable Akita/Rottie mix puppy to play with. It was all fun and games until she started biting on the puppy's neck skin. They were totally playing and it was totally fine...the puppy didn't vocalize or anything, but her owner was freaking out about it. She was frantically trying to get her puppy away from Layla the vicious Pit Bull. That's the most annoying thing about dog parks. People either let their dog attack another dog and laugh thinking they are playing or freak out when two puppies play a little bit rough. Oh well, this park is too good to let that bother me. I know Billy can hold his own if it comes down to it and won't do anything worse then bark loudly in a dogs face. There are hardly any dogs there anyway.

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