I've been wondering when the coordination needed for catching a ball was going to come to Goose. Today I told my friend that he couldn't yet catch a tennis ball so she threw him one...and he caught it! Yay Goo!
We've been having a ton of adventures lately especially ones that involve swimming. Yet somehow Goose is still doing laps around my family room.
Today's adventure was to a park surrounding a lake and yesterdays was to a fishing/hiking/boating place. Both were a lot of fun. Aside from Billy disrupting a fisher and Billy, Goose, and Layla all almost drowning in an attempt to save me. Even though I was just swimming.
Not the best rescue squad. (except Billy! He will pull you around if you hold his tail)
During our outing today it started to storm to we had to take cover under a pavilion. It was fun to watch the storm from somewhere safe. Goose is surprisingly unfazed by thunder. Some squeaky toys scare him, but big booms of thunder he acts as if he doesn't hear. Goose also learned or developed some serious alarm barking. Anytime Layla barked at someone that she saw in the distance Goose would start barking and acting very worried while having no idea what he was barking at as far as I could see. A few people came up to the pavilion that we were under and he barked at them all the way up to until they were about 8 feet away then started doing his wiggly butt dance. (then jumped on and got paw prints on two sets of white pants) He LOVES everyone he meets as long as they are close. The same way he is with dogs. EXCEPT last night he met his first pug. He did not know what to make of it and never figured out that it was a dog. I think that we need a few pug play dates. We should probably get some Boston Terriers, Bulldogs, pekingese, and other different looking dogs to come too.Also, we tried to make another fun doggie webisode/minimovie but failed in a scene where Goose needed to stay while Billy got up from next to him to run after Layla. Goose's stay is not nearly good enough and Billy's stay is TOO good (as a result of training with a remote collar.) We will try again soon though!
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