I need to work with Billy A LOT on his on-leash reactiveness. We had another episode today which was a fiasco and Goose is already a bit reactive so Billy freaking out does not help him. Goose is totally fine with any friendly dog he meets, as long as he can see and smell them up close. Dogs from a distance or really anything from a distance causes him to get worried and bark. I need to start working with him more on this. Its hard because I don't live in a neighborhood where there are a lot of people walking their dogs. Billy is SOMETIMES reactive to other dogs, but only when he is on leash. I went to another swimming park with my dogs and Layla the Pit today and that's where it happened. So, the park we were at you aren't technically supposed to have dogs off leash, but we found a little part that jutted out that was sort of secluded so we figured we would be safe to let them off to swim. Well, no. Billy went toward the edge of our little area and saw some dogs being walked and wanted to say hi. The lady with the dogs, kindly informed me that my dog was off leash! I called Billy (who recalled well!) and quickly attached his leash and grabbed Goose. Of course, two seconds later a man with two rambunctious young Chesapeake Bay Retrievers came right down to where we were. Billy started barking and growling, and Goose was also barking. I knew that if Billy had been off leash he would have gone over sniffed and been fine but of course he had to be on leash at the wrong time. I also couldn't let him off because the lady walking her dogs was still walking by. I had food so I got both of their attention and tried to get them to focus a little bit and calm down before letting them go when the lady had finally passed. Of course, the second I let them go they were fine and everyone quieted down. I gave the man with the Chessies (who it ended up I knew!) some treats to feed to Goose, to try to make the experience more positive. Goose also said hi to the dogs and realized it was no big deal. I need to not bring them anywhere together that there might be other dogs for now until I've worked a lot more on the issue with both of them since they are already feeding off of each other. When we were walking back to the car, we passed two other dogs, Billy was completely non reactive. Go figure. I don't get him. Goose woofed a little but after he was able to sniff the friendly of the two dogs he was fine. My plan for him is meet and greet as many friendly older dogs as possible while he is still young. I have been doing that but clearly not enough. He could be in a fear period I guess, too.
Goose also had another play date with Rook at his house where there is a pool! He was practically dock diving in (but only off the top step). So cute!! I love the little swimmin' BC.

He always seems to find things to sit on rather than sitting on the ground
I have been working with Billy on a 2 on 2 off contact on the stairs for our agility class. He's doing great! He has so much fun learning. I'm so glad I'm taking the class so I continue working with Billy as much as I should. It's hard when you have a fresh slate of a puppy to teach fun stuff to.
Gooses right ear has made a few guest appearances. I think soon he will have two prick ears!

Sleepy prick ears
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